It's Not Just What you Put In Your Child's Body...

As parents, we spend a lot of time thinking about what we feed our children. Does it have sugar, HFCS, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors and the list goes on. Are their cups and plates BPA free? But, what about the things you are using on them every day? What is in their soap, shampoo, conditioner, sunblock that is being slathered on them day in and day out? I see a lot of parents very concerned with the products they choose when their children are babies, but that often fades away into toddler and older childhood. Frighteningly, beauty care products are not regulated and companies are allowed to use ingredients that aren’t safe for your child. In the last 20 years, the United States has only banned 30 beauty products as unsafe in comparison to about 1400 in the European Union. Enter Beautycounter, a company committed to using safe ingredients, transparency in their products and a commitment to change the lack of beauty product oversight in the United States.

Beautycounter products remind all of us, that what goes on our children is as important as what goes in them. There are no irritants or harmful ingredients that you are going to read about in the news in a panic to remove from your child’s shelf. Their website has a glossary explaining all of their ingredients so you can understand what is being used. (There is even a Never List of ingredients you want to avoid for your kids. Many of them are found in everyday kids products). I love that the kids shampoo, for example, is made with carrot root, strawberry extract and broccoli.

Want to shop for these amazing products for your kids and more for yourself?

And, don’t forget to enter our GIVEAWAY on instagram.
